Tag Archives: pissed off

Cost of Parliament

This has had me thinking for some time, just what are we spending a day to run the operation that quit frankly is a fucking joke. Go watch question time on parliament TV for ten minutes and see how it is run, it will be worth it just to educate yourselves on what a circus we are paying top dollar for.
So I wrote parliament services and asked…
“How much does parliament cost to run per day, per hour, per year EVERYTHING included?
MP wages the lot.”

It seems my question wasn’t clear enough though going by the reply as a few thing’s were left off.

“Good morning Stephen,

Attached is a table regarding the cost of running Parliament 2008-2015.

This cost is based on the total voted appropriations for the Parliamentary Service and Office of the Clerk. It includes the salaries for all MPs who are not part of the executive. It excludes all Ministerial salaries, Ministerial Services, DPMC, PCO costs (as they are considered governmental or executive agencies).

Hopefully this is of some use to you.”

Cost of Parliament

Now the thing that jumped out is they worked this out over 24 hours a day 365 days of the year.  But parliament doesn’t sit for those hours.  
I also note there has been a rise of near enough to $2000 per hour since last year. Why? It seems rather extreme for twelve months. That must be around 10%.
I also don’t know if this includes travel expenses for parliamentarians and their associated hangers on or costs of all their electorate offices etc.
Is all their free travel after they retire included?
Is all their retirement packages included? After all they are extremely good, or should I say WE are extremely good to them.

After asking yet again for the total cost I got this back …
COST OF RUNNING PARLIAMENT & Political Executive agencies
Cost of Parliament per Hour 2008-2015
$500,972 per sitting hour or $311,437,000 per year

Now so far no one can tell me if that includes retirement packages. Wait, WHAT? Yes I’m fucking serious.
“I have not been able to confirm directly whether it includes all retirement packages. Some MPs would collect GSF, Kiwisaver, SSRS which I understand are funded differently. Otherwise I would assume retirement packages is aprt of the ongoing cost of these agencies.” That is from Parliamentary services (whom I will say have been good to deal with).

Then you go watch question time and think to yourself “WE ARE PAYING FOR THIS FUCKING SHAMBLES”
We are paying for them to hock OUR assets off cheap.
We are paying for john key to stand there and make pathetic jokes.
We are suffering because of these wankers and all they do is joke and blame others for their fucking mess.
Remember that number. $311,437,000 per year.
Think about that, Panda bears and ponytails do NOT change this fact.
Think about the fact TPPA is hidden from us behind a huge wall of bullshit. WHY???

A letter to a politician

Jacqui Dean MP for Waitaki got a letter from me today.  It seems politicians in New Zealand don’t think much of the voters here.


To say I’m pissy would be an understatement.  YOUR office made a phone appointment for you to phone me because you were unavailable on the day. That’s fine, I accepted that.
I went out of my way to be somewhere with both reception and time to take said phone call.
But YOU didn’t bother to call, and you didn’t bother to get your office to contact me either.
Now myself, I have thing’s to do too.   Yet you seem to think it’s acceptable to be a no show yourself.  Well I hate to tell you this sweetie, but you are a public servant. SERVANT. Nothing else.  You are voted in to serve, and a part of that is talking to voters.
If you or your office make an appointment, then you are obligated to be there for that appointment.
As I see it, you have a few options open to you seeing as it seems you’re to busy to do your job.
1: Quit, as it seems it’s to much for you.
2: Realise you are a servant and start serving.
3: Ask for your area to be reduced so you have some chance of doing your job.
Now I would also like to know where to send the invoice for wasting my time, because time is money, as you know….
48 hours later;  No reply so far.