Tag Archives: #dirtypolitics #nzpol

NZ Politics, the stink is bad.

Corruption in the New Zealand government seems to be a very real possibility probability.  Hell, it’s happening, so we better call it what it is. A reality. We have the NZ police raiding the home of author and journalist Nicky Hager, the dude that did a bit of research and realised and so wrote the Dirty Politics book.

Did whaleoil (cameron slater) whinge to someone up the food chain?   After all, what other reason would they have to do this raid?   Open to suggestions…. I’m counting out boredom, the cops reckon their pretty busy these days.

Now this slater is dirty as fuck it seems, hell, it’s been proved, he works on the bash em up for the boyos mantra, the boyos being the national party and indeed, the prime minister’s office to boot. Seriously, what the fuck is going on there???  He’s a blogger for fuck sack. (Loose use of the word sorry) Then John Key has the cheek to say he knew nothing about it.  Is New Zealand that gullible? Does he seriously not know what’s going on in his own office? His own party? SERIOUSLY?  You expect us to believe that John?

Yes, going by the vote in the last general election we are that thick/gullible.  Have they got away with it?  Not hearing any reports of raids on other people named in the book?  Me neither.  Hearing nothing from our main stream media….. I know, it seems they are not very ‘useful’ or is it interested these days. Dunno what that’s all about. But there is a very good article about it on Spin Bin here http://www.spinbin.co.nz/the-two-poles-of-kiwi-journalism-and-a-new-vanguard/ Now that should be compulsory reading if your a kiwi.

But then you remember who was in charge of  the justice department and the police till not very long ago, judith colins also known as crusher colins, whatever, has a lot of question marks over her head to. Bullshit involving Oravida and that many final warnings off johnny boy key it’s not funny.  Are the cops after her?? No.  Did she have anything to do with this raid? Good question, cause we now know she was tight with slater and doesn’t mind the rule breaking when it suits her.                                                                                                                          Note: I love the irony of the police/justice minister being crooked as fuck.

If it looks like a dog, stinks like a dog, barks all the time, then just call it a dog, cause it is. (Always wanted to use that line.)  A lot like our leaders, just a pack of dogs, actually, they are more like hyenas.  That’s still a type of dog isn’t it?  (Here, I Googled that for you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyena )

Now this slater and his mate david farrar, he’s another one of these publicity bloggers for the national party (there that word used poorly again, in all seriousness these two are more suited to advertising with their imaginations) well is seems they are both cut from the same piece of toilet paper…. Maybe that’s why key finds them so useful.  But when you start seeing photos like this repeatedly, well…

Image stolen borrowed from Twitter, owner unknown.Bvzp17kIgAEfroc

 Now I ask myself the simple question. Why did this bullshit enter NZ politics?  The how is easy, we’ve sat on our hands and let it happen. But WHY?

Well John “won’t recall that”. Or another wee ripper he’s known for “I know this much …”  It seems that’s not very much at all. So what can you say John? “what I can say is that …”

By the way, all this corruption starts at council level then just heads on up. Just look at what’s going on in Dunedin for a start.